Service Ministry
Pastoral Visitation – We believe that it is our Christian duty to keep our parish family members connected to our Parish community when they are unable to attend activities. In addition to prayers, the Pastoral Visitation will bring the Eucharist, or if necessary make arrangements for a priest to administer the Sacrament of Anointing (often called the sacrament of the sick), celebrate communion at home or in the hospital and when appropriate or requested. To arrange for services, contact Christina Gayton at the education center, 989-753-0715.Funeral Luncheon Ministry – Build spirit in our parish and extend comfort and hospitality to grieving family members and friends. Tasks include calling parishioners for assistance in working in the kitchen, setting tables, serving and clean up. For more information about this ministry contact, Rosie Breen.
Prayer Line – To receive and pass on prayer requests for the sick and special needs of people in our community. Call Angie 989-754-3393, Marge 989-793-5342, Walt 989-401-7534.
Christian Service Commission – The Christian service commission organizes the efforts of the parish to serve those in need and to advocate for justice. This commission is composed of members who serve to empower the parish community to fulfill the Gospel mandate of service and justice. Every baptized Christian is called to fulfill this mandate. Members of the commission lead, empower, and involve others in actively accepting the responsibility of Baptism.
Cleaning Church – Assist with light cleaning of Nave of the church, Narthex and chapel, once a week. Assist with group church cleaning the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10am