On-line Giving
We encourage our Parishioners to prayerfully consider the gifts that God has given them. In gratitude for such gifts a parishioner gives back to God through a significant gift to the parish on a regular basis. This giving back to God in support of the mission and ministry of the parish is essential to the spiritual life of the giver and the ongoing operations of the parish. Your generosity enhances our ability to accurately budget and plan for our many programs and services we provide to our parishioners and local community.
Mortgage Debt
In early 2010 our loan balance was $1,371,000.00 for our newly constructed church. During our initial Pledge Drive we anticipated to pay off our loan by the year 2017. As of November 2023, our remaining balance of our Mortgage is $7500. Let us prayerfully consider an INCREASE in our weekly mortgage offering in 2023! Bless you for all you do for our parish.
Please remember St. Joseph in your will. By considering a Planned Gift to St. Joseph Parish, we can ensure that our parish will continue to serve and grow in its mission. Please call Diane, our bookkeeper at 989-755-7561