Parish Organizations

Isadora Club: Sr. Isadora Madry founded the St. Joseph Isadora’s for black female members of St. Joseph. It was formally known as the “Daughters of Isadora.” The name was changed to St. Joseph Isadoras, to be more inclusive to both men and women of any race. Our mission is to help reach out to he needs of others in our Church, home, community and assist in all parish activities.
Las Damas de Guadalupe: The Damas promote the Catholic faith through their devotion to La Virgen de Guadlupe. They serve the greater community and also assist in the activities of St. Joseph Parish. The Damas are still very active throughout our parish in not only participating in the annual Novena to Our Lady, but they fundraise each month in continuous efforts to support our parish. If you would like to join the Damas de Guadalupe, we invite you to do so. We are always looking for extra help from anyone who wishes to! Please call the parish office.
Art and Environment: The Art and Environment Committee of St. Joseph Parish in Saginaw helps enhance the liturgy through color, texture, plants, flowers, and artwork. These elements help create a more prayerful and meditative environment as well as strengthen the personal experience and relationship with God through the liturgy. The committee adds to and changes these elements regularly to reflect the changes in the liturgical season. The art and environment committee always tries to incorporate the different cultures that makeup our “Rainbow Parish” through tasteful and simple enhancements. We are always looking for new ideas and new people. If you are interested in volunteering along side with the Art and Environment Committee, please contact Mina Fulgencio.
Liturgical Commission: The Liturgical Commission is made up of a group of parishioners who are actively involved in all aspects of the liturgies of our parish. We work together with the pastor to provide our parish with Liturgy that not only reflects our Catholic faith but challenges us as the body of Christ to live out our faith. We discuss ways in which the whole community can be active participants in every liturgy that we celebrate. This involves Hospitality, Music, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Art and of course you! This commission supports and promotes all special liturgies such as Easter and Holy Week, Christmas, Mass of Resurrection, the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Black History Celebration, St. Martin de Porres Celebration, All Souls Day Celebrations, May Crowning, Rosary druing May and October, Lenten Evenings of Reflections, Stations of the Cross, Community Celebrations, etc. If there are any questions, suggestions, or concerns with anything having to do with Liturgy please do not hesitate to contact any of the current members of the Liturgical Commission.
Christian Service: Our Christian Service Commission comes together as a tool of evangelization. We look for ways that we can reach out to our brothers and sisters, not only in our church community, but our neighborhood and the world as well. We are concerned for the families in our parish, for children in our neighborhood, for the poor in other countries, for all life, from the moment of conception. We are a group of individuals who see the need around us and try to look for ways to put our faith into practice. Our Commission provides opportunities for the whole parish to become active in the mission of the church, we are involved in a variety of projects throughout the year that utilize everyone’s help and cooperation. Living out our faith calls us to evangelize not only with words but with actions as well. We are always looking for more hands and hearts to spread the Good News.
Food Vouchers: Our outreach ministry provides Food vouchers to those in need in our parish and in our neighborhood. This is provided monthly to families with children and also on emergency basis to others in need.
Christmas Giving Tree: The Giving Tree reaches out to the children in our parish and neighborhood with gifts during the Christmas season. We also work with Emmaus house and some local schools.
St. Paul's Episcopal Meal Program: The Youth of our parish as well as some adults work together to provide a Sunday dinner to people in our neighborhood who are less fortunate. We provide this meal throughout our Faith Formation year at various times throughout the year. This is a neighborhood Ecumenical project that gives life and spirit to all involved. Our relationship with St. Paul's has been a blessing to all involved.